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Found 463 items.
Characteristics and clinical management of acute pulmonary embolism in real world: findings from TUSCAN-PE study
2027PDF: 1132Appendix: 1078HTML: 745 -
Enhancing risk management in hospitals: leveraging artificial intelligence for improved outcomes
1602PDF: 847HTML: 116 -
The management of the patient with acute pancreatitis: from evidence to clinical practice
2568PDF: 1137HTML: 1319 -
Abdominal pain: a synthesis of recommendations for its correct management
3669PDF: 1362Appendix: 521HTML: 8936 -
Management of stable coronary artery disease: from evidence to clinical practice
2469PDF: 1069HTML: 1724 -
The management of the patient with headache: from evidence to clinical practice
2069PDF: 1018HTML: 947 -
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease pathways as a tool to improve appropriateness in Internal Medicine Departments
1785PDF: 951Appendix: 478HTML: 2543 -
Management of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: criteria for an appropriate hospital discharge
1359PDF: 1004HTML: 854 -
Inpatient hyperglycemia management: the opportunities of a new basal insulin
1899PDF: 1033HTML: 1127 -
Complexity in hospital internal medicine departments: what are we talking about?
2356PDF: 1027HTML: 1001 -
The management of the patient with malnutrition: from evidence to clinical practice
2784PDF: 1203HTML: 1960 -
The discharge of patients with diabetes from Internal Medicine Units: a clinical audit
1537PDF: 913Appendix: 622HTML: 720 -
Non-surgical management of spontaneous splenic rupture in infectious mononucleosis
1574PDF: 780HTML: 616 -
The management of the patient with osteoporosis: from evidence to clinical practice
1682PDF: 767HTML: 660 -
Isolated dissection of the superior mesenteric artery: a case report and literature review
6372PDF: 963HTML: 1646 -
Clinical governance and internal medicine: a marriage of convenience?
1456PDF: 841Appendix: 877HTML: 614 -
Decision-making in the implementation or withdrawal of dialysis in the old complex patient
1657PDF: 972HTML: 640 -
Primary hyperparathyroidism: epidemiology, clinical features, diagnostic tools and current management
4401PDF: 1153HTML: 4086 -
The internist in the surgical setting: results from the Italian FADOI-ER survey
937PDF: 600HTML: 461 -
Stroke prevention in atrial fibrillation: findings from Tuscan FADOI Stroke Registry
1507PDF: 1180Appendix: 560HTML: 622 -
Clinical governance and clinical competence to support new scenarios and role of internal medicine
1703PDF: 989Appendix: 459HTML: 257 -