A new series on diagnostic echographic cases and living brief reviews: a potentially useful tool for clinicians edited by FADOI

Published: 22 August 2023
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Sonography – similar to what happened almost two centuries ago with the introduction of stethoscopes – has completely changed patients’ clinical management in Internal Medicine. The availability of performant, sometimes even small-sized and cost-effective machines, has allowed doctors in Internal-Medicine units to perform bedside-ultrasound examinations alongside regular clinical ones. [...]



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How to Cite

Mumoli, N., Zuretti, F., Mastroiacovo, D., Dentali, F., & Cipollini, F. (2023). A new series on diagnostic echographic cases and living brief reviews: a potentially useful tool for clinicians edited by FADOI. Italian Journal of Medicine, 17(2). https://doi.org/10.4081/itjm.2023.1625